ThreeĀ percentĀ ofĀ childrenĀ haveĀ scoliosis.Ā ScoliosisĀ develops gradually during theĀ growth period.Ā If your child shows signs ofĀ scoliosisĀ at aĀ youngĀ age, it isĀ advisedĀ toĀ getĀ theirĀ spineĀ checkedĀ by a chiropractor.Ā It isĀ also recommended toĀ closelyĀ monitor theĀ curvatureĀ byĀ meansĀ of a physical examination but more importantly by x-ray.Ā
Scoliosis treatment in Hilversum
Scoliosis in Children
Scoliosis in Adults
ScoliosisĀ mainlyĀ occurs duringĀ growth.Ā Fortunately, theĀ consequencesĀ of scoliosis are not always noticeable.Ā However, the misalignment canĀ createĀ too muchĀ pressureĀ on theĀ joints.Ā This canĀ resultĀ inĀ complaintsĀ and ultimately an increased risk of osteoarthritis.
Scoliosis Treatment at MoveWell
Chiropractic Treatment

Foremost, it isĀ importantĀ toĀ mentionĀ that most scoliosis complaintsĀ canĀ be treated effectively.Ā If theĀ curvatureĀ of theĀ spineĀ isĀ tooĀ great, the chiropractor willĀ referĀ you to your GP.
The misalignmentĀ canĀ putĀ too muchĀ tensionĀ on aĀ joint, whichĀ canĀ cause pain.Ā The chiropractorĀ usesĀ techniquesĀ to mobilize theĀ backĀ andĀ relieveĀ pressureĀ on theĀ painfulĀ areas.
In addition,Ā the chiropractor will alsoĀ examine whetherĀ insoles wouldĀ helpĀ to alleviate theĀ pain.
ThanksĀ to our specializedĀ treatmentĀ tables andĀ techniques, weĀ have multiple treatmentĀ methods.
Physiotherapy Treatment
PhysiotherapistsĀ and chiropractors work together to effectively treat scoliosis.Ā TheĀ mainĀ focusĀ ofĀ physiotherapyĀ isĀ toĀ createĀ andĀ maintainĀ theĀ mobilityĀ andĀ stabilityĀ of theĀ spineĀ with theĀ useĀ ofĀ muscle relaxation and/or mobilization techniques.Ā Exercise therapyĀ isĀ alsoĀ recommended toĀ strengthenĀ theĀ musclesĀ around theĀ spineĀ toĀ helpĀ correctĀ theĀ curvature.Ā
Back Rehabilitation
It is imperative toĀ haveĀ optimal mobility andĀ posture.Ā With our back exercise and postural correction program we can help you achieve and maintain a healthy back.Ā
When more attentionĀ isĀ required, weĀ advise to followĀ our specialisedĀ backĀ rehabilitationĀ program.Ā ThisĀ programĀ specificallyĀ focusses on theĀ activationĀ on the deeper smallerĀ backĀ muscles.