EveryĀ weekĀ inĀ practiceĀ weĀ seeĀ manyĀ patientsĀ whomĀ complainĀ ofĀ back problems related to golfing.Ā Not altogether surprising as theĀ rotational andĀ bending movements andĀ liftingĀ of the golf equipmentĀ canĀ typically overload the lower backs’Ā jointsĀ andĀ muscles.Ā WhatĀ canĀ youĀ doĀ about this?Ā HowĀ canĀ youĀ continueĀ your hobby pain-free?Ā HowĀ canĀ weĀ helpĀ you?
Sport Injuries
Sports Injuries


In tennis, front and backhand strokes typicallyĀ requireĀ aĀ lotĀ ofĀ rotationĀ of theĀ spine.Ā The tennisĀ serveĀ motionĀ causeĀ overstretching ofĀ musclesĀ andĀ putsĀ increased pressure on theĀ jointsĀ in the lower back.Ā ThisĀ movementĀ putsĀ pressureĀ notĀ onlyĀ the small joints in theĀ spineĀ and intervertebral discs, but also on theĀ muscles, connective tissue andĀ tendonsĀ surroundingĀ theĀ spine.Ā During aĀ tennis match, the backĀ musclesĀ must continuouslyĀ contractĀ toĀ supportĀ theĀ fast forward, sideways and start-and-stop movements.

HockeyĀ isĀ playedĀ in 132Ā countriesĀ andĀ isĀ the second mostĀ playedĀ sport followingĀ football.Ā It isĀ estimatedĀ that 15% of hockeyĀ playersĀ getĀ injuredĀ eachĀ trainingĀ season and as aĀ result,Ā playersĀ trainĀ andĀ playĀ below their capabilities 11% of theĀ time.Ā AtĀ MoveWell, you canĀ workĀ onĀ aĀ long-termĀ solution.Ā

RunningĀ representsĀ aĀ lifestyle.Ā ItĀ givesĀ youĀ a natural high andĀ helpĀ youĀ relax.Ā IfĀ you‘reĀ aĀ runner,Ā you‘reĀ probablyĀ aware of theĀ issuesĀ involved, such asĀ kneeĀ and heel pain, orĀ hipĀ problems.Ā YouĀ may not realize that incorrectĀ runningĀ techniqueĀ canĀ causeĀ backĀ pain, and ifĀ youĀ alreadyĀ haveĀ aĀ backĀ problem,Ā runningĀ canĀ makeĀ it worse.

During cycling your back muscles areĀ hardlyĀ supported.The cycling posture canĀ strainĀ the lower back as aĀ resultĀ ofĀ bendingĀ the lumbar vertebrae andĀ pullingĀ on the handlebar.Ā If theĀ bicycleĀ isĀ equippedĀ with aerodynamic handlebars, the body positioningĀ requiresĀ aĀ lotĀ ofĀ neck extension.Ā This can result in tight neckĀ and shoulder muscles.Ā BumpyĀ terrainsĀ increaseĀ theĀ shockĀ andĀ compressionĀ on theĀ spine, which can ultimately lead toĀ back pain.

SwimmingĀ isĀ an excellent form of low impact exercise that is good for theĀ backĀ andĀ spine.Ā Unlike many other sports, swimming hardly impacts theĀ spine.Ā TheĀ waterĀ supportsĀ theĀ bodyĀ weightĀ and offloads theĀ jointsĀ in theĀ body.Ā Hydrotherapy and light swimming may be part of the recommended therapy forĀ peopleĀ sufferingĀ withĀ osteoarthritis, otherĀ typesĀ of jointĀ painĀ or backĀ pain.Ā